Designer: Daria Kalenchuk
Visualizer: Pavel Gubin
Project Type: Student Project
School: British Higher School of Art and Design
Course: Visual Communications
Tutor: Leonid Slavin
Location: Russia
Packaging Contents: Condiments
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Glass jar, foil
Printing Process:
The packaging concept for hot sauces “О ДА, ЖРАТВА!” (Oh yeah, it’s food!) These sauces are intended for men with strong desire to be brutal and audacious! There are three tastes in the sauce range: horseradish, mustard and adjika. Every taste has a unique descriptor: impudent, harsh and bold. And the main feature is a red foil tongue, which you can pull up and see a second “secret” descriptor: f#cking hot!So be bold, and eat it hot!