Derrick Lin


Agency: Studio DEZA
Art-director: Irina Shmidt
Brand-strategy: Daria Erasova
Copywriter: Anton Borisov
Illustrator: Valery Golubtsov
Designers: Irina Shmidt, Olga Samofalova, Ekaterina Starodumova, Andrey Chigarev, Daniil Yartsev
Video: Roman Titovec
Visualizer: Roman Titovec, Artem Matushonok
Project Managers: Marta Bekker, Alisa Chunyaeva
Location: Russia
Project Type: Produced
Client: Poymay
Product Launch Location: Russia
Packaging Contents: Products for children, Toys

Stock Company “Cheboksary Production Association named V.I. Chapaev” is the only enterprise in Russia that produces children’s rubber balls. The company with more than half a century of history, unique production and well-deserved reasons for pride has not yet had a brand of manufactured goods.

Our task was to develop a brand-platform and positioning, identity, packaging, design of exhibition stands. When developing the brand, it was important to consider that the company was preparing to enter the European and Chinese markets, so it was necessary to make the brand image attractive, dynamic, characteristic and understandable for everyone.

That very ball
While developing the positioning, we understood that we would need an extraordinary approach, which would allow us to convey the brand message to any consumer in the most simple and understandable way. This is also required by the product itself – a ball, a simple and understandable toy, which everyone has loved and been known with since childhood.

As a result of the analysis of target groups and their behavioral characteristics, we determined the positioning of the brand “Poymay”. It is based on a set of rational and emotional aspects. The rational ones are based on a ball created with the use of quality and safe materials, the embodiment of many years of experience and unique modern technologies. Emotional aspects are based on a ball made with love and care in Russia. The toy which brings joy and laughter, charges with energy and a positive mood, will never get bored and will not go out of fashion.

Rational aspects are designed to meet the basic requirements of parents, to dispel fears and doubts when choosing a toy, emotional — to attract attention and cause positive emotions in children, future owners of the ball, and adults to create a feeling of pleasant nostalgia for childhood. All these aspects are reflected in one simple phrase, “That the very ball”, which became the essence of the brand, and later its brand-line.

Naughtiness and friendliness
The next stage of the project was the development of an identity that reflects the renewed positioning of the brand.

We have developed a bright logo, in which we have placed the name of the brand “Poymay”, adding it to the brandline “That the very ball”. Bouncing, bright, vivid, fast, beloved — it’s different for everyone. We replaced the letter “O” in writing the brand “Poymay” with the image of the ball — the one that is the creation and pride of the company. Both in the Russian and English versions, the logo reflects the mood of the brand, conveys a playful and friendly character, and calls for active entertainment and fun games.

Branded graphics is built of bright and recognizable patterns of balls “Poymay”, which highlights the product and allows you to easily identify it on the shelf, working with a bright recognizable spot.
Patterns are in the form of a ball, so the patterns give the company’s volume and dynamics, the feeling of the presence of “the ball” — round, elastic and pleasant to the touch, familiar and loved since childhood. He has a special smell, which is not to be confused with any other. He is fast, jumping, ringing.

When the ball is really the same, it is impossible to resist you want to take it in your hands or kick it off, toss it up or throw it into the wall – to catch it again. Feel the ringing spring inside it.

A guide to the game world
The company already had its own brand character – an attractive and friendly frog, requiring a visual update. We have significantly improved its appearance, resulting in increased readability and individuality, and added plasticity and dynamics to the character.

The expressiveness of his character is underlined by different emotional states and poses, as well as by funny phrases with the help of which he communicates with consumers from different countries: “Catch the very fast ball” or “Catch the very favorite ball”. Therefore, the frog comes alive and calls for a game, becomes a real friend and guide for children and adults to the world of exciting games. All this helps to convey the necessary message and mood to the consumer, to demonstrate that the brand “Poymay” is alive and well, very close and understandable to everyone.

Jump into life
The final stage of the project is the development of a corporate identity guideline. In addition, we have designed a new style of packaging “Poymay” for stores and exhibition space for brand presentation.

The combination of visual and verbal communication creates a strong emotional connection with the brand: it attracts children to active play and brings adults to childhood and reminds about funny games in the yard. The result is a lively, energetic and very friendly brand that can successfully exist and develop both in the Russian and foreign markets. All the visual attributes of the new brand are already used by the client and come out to the customers, partners and clients of the company.