Creme de Leite Nestlé

Derrick Lin

Design: CBA B+G
Location: Brazil
Project Type: Produced
Client: Nestlé
Product Launch Location: Brazil
Packaging Contents: Cooking cream
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Aluminium and Tetrapack
Printing Process: Offset

Successful in Brazil for more than 80 years, Nestlé Cooking Cream is an absolute leading product in the category. It is a frequently used ingredient in several recipes, and that is the reason why the brand has decided to invest in a complete identity renewal, aiming to help consumers choose the ideal version to pair each dish.

Rethinking the portfolio
With the renewed design system, and inspired by the real needs of its consumers, Nestle Cooking Cream was back to the media with the campaign “As creamy as it can get!”, a landmark for the brand, which had not launched a communication campaign for 19 years. All the branding work, starting from the visual identity to the subsequent packaging application has also served to rethink the product’s portfolio and the brand’s future steps – which will soon present new innovations in the category. As new (and tasty) as it can get!

It is tasty, it is versatile
In order to make consumers’ life easier, Nestlé has decided to hear them. The surveys revealed important insights – the product’s peculiar creamy texture and versatility – that were used to build the new visual identity. The first insight was definitely the key driver of all the creation work – everything revolves around the creaminess, and all the other visual elements were created based on that feature.

The solution found was to give consumers the autonomy to choose the variety that best pairs their recipe through a simple and intuitive visual system – the more drops, the creamier. Concerning versatility, the visual path developed focused on inspiring the consumer by making him or her notice how easy it is to transform a simple, ordinary dish into something special. Thus, we have created packaging that are more connected to the needs of the person who cooks, improving the quality of the information on the label, exploring new recipes and including a QR code for those who want to learn more.