‘Nastoyaschee Maslo’ Cold Pressed Oil Redesign


Веймар, Германия

Designer: Alexander Brazhnik
Packaging Design Consultant: Evgeny Razumov
Printshop Manager: Mihail Ilyasov
Photographer: Arina Shelest
Location: Russia
Project Type: Produced
Client: Nastoyaschee Maslo
Product Launch Location: Russia
Packaging Contents: Oil
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Glass bottle, Craft paper
Printing Process: Digital printing

Since natural and organic food has become a big word in today’s world, not only customers are hunting for these popular products, but manufacturers are also finding their way to take a piece on the market. Some guys do it in a more traditional eco-way, some go just crazy about technologies of the process, and some are just going full throttle for the marketing and social media. But when traditions meet technological support and it’s all driven by young vision of the idea – here comes the real thing.

‘Nastoyaschee Maslo’ (rus ‘The Real Oil’) is a Russian oil manufacturer, which goes for modern solutions for traditional eco-friendly production. All their oil products are 100% first cold pressed made out of best seeds from local farms. The company’s idea is not only to make the best product they can, but also help customers to understand what every product is best for. From social media work to tons of events they participate in – their goal is to make people get more in touch with the-real-oil.

New packaging design was one of the biggest parts of brand renovation. We used bright yet simple color scheme and clear typography for oil identification, as well as big icons for main product info on the side. This design system will later be super easily used for any new product in the line and be adapted for other package type. Eco-packaging? Sure! Even our labels are just two colors printed on a craft paper, which doesn’t only feel natural to the touch, but it makes this bottle fully recyclable too. We even made boring barcode look a little more ‘organic’. Yeah, our leaf stands not just for the beauty – it stands for real.