Design: BexBrands
Location: United States
Project Type: Produced
Client: Bumble Bee
Product Launch Location: United States
Packaging Contents: Chowder
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Can
Bumble Bee asked us to work on their Snow’s Clam Brand. This brand had a lot of loyal customers when it was independently owned & run. When Bumble Bee purchased them ages ago, they reformulated the recipes, mostly to increase profits and rebranded with a prominent Bumble Bee presence. There was a terrible backlash as customers felt duped and sales declined. The client reinstated the original recipes and asked us to develop a brand without a Bumble Bee presence and with a home made feeling.
The hand done type with a limited color palette provides a classic, simple package inspired by mom & pop chowder places you might find in Maine. The humble approach is meant to rebuild trust with it’s customers.
The client was delighted with the unconventional approach and grocery buyers are loving the evolved brand and new packaging.