Design: Hunger Craft
Location: United Kingdom
Project Type: Produced
Client: Vive
Product Launch Location: United Kingdom
Packaging Contents: Vegan Snacks
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Paper

For four years, Vive has been making nature taste naughty with their range of indulgent but wholesome snacks. Their latest release, Better Brownies, are plant-based, protein packed, coated in smooth Belgian dark chocolate and available in four delicious flavours. All Vive needed was packaging that looked as good as their brownies tasted.

As an impulse purchase, we knew Better Brownies’ branding had to be bright, bold and immediate. Delivering on health and taste, we wanted to show each brownie was perfectly balanced, which informed our main illustration.

A bright colour palette ensured our design popped on shelf, while natural rounded typography and an indulgent dark chocolate-coated corner communicated both health and taste.

Our illustration continues onto secondary and beyond into the wider brand world, repeating on wider canvases for strong brand blocking or delivering a single stack. All in all a perfectly balanced brand for a perfectly balanced product.