Design: Mousegraphics
Location: Greece
Project Type: Produced
Photography: DPoupalos Studio
Product Launch Location: Global
Packaging Contents: Cooking sauces

Our task was to create the packaging and logo for a brand that makes special sauces-as-cooking ingredients for various home dishes.

Whereas sauces are ‘added’ substances and thus generally packaged in cans and jars that mostly suggest this gesture of instant gratification and dubious satisfaction, we had to convey a unique recipe and its potential: A natural mix with no preservatives of any kind that can be the indispensable, tasty and healthy ingredient of every personal cooking ritual.

In a case like this design should narrate instead of describing and we opted for a glass bottle as the container that can best carry fictions of magic and realities of lost environmental ethics. We dressed it for the occasion with the primary home-cook symbol: the traditional apron, our maternal sign of hand-made care. Colored by stains that recall familiar private efforts with collective echoes this iconic apron conveys textures, substances, joy, the importance of the everyday. It carries loving recipes instead of ‘fast-solutions’ and is tied in the back with a small bow of excellence framed by nutritional facts.

Among the practices of everyday life ‘cooking at home’ – as is the brand’s name – is an art of making do, an art of living that moves beyond mindless consumer habits to a form of resistance that updates the old wisdom of well-informed choices.