Design: Alexey Lysogorov
Location: Kyrgyzstan
Project Type: Produced
Client: EkoMilk
Product Launch Location: Kyrgyzstan
Packaging Contents: Dairy
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Paper
Printing Process: Flexography
New dairy brand in the Kyrgyz Republic, Central Asia. Production of a classic set of dairy products, but aimed at a more modern audience. Naming in Cyrillic EcoMilk reveals two brand components: eco-products (quality) and economy (inexpensive segment). The black and white type logo has references to cow coloring and economy of paint, but above all it is a modern, contrasting logo.
To create the packaging design, we also developed our own author’s font for product names on packaging and in advertising. The display font has rounded lines and unexpected accents, while also emphasizing the design of the brand’s logo. The font has a Cyrillic set of letters, as well as a set of the Kyrgyz alphabet (additional letters and symbols), which has become a unique local development.
Free space has become an important part of the brand’s visual language: a pure white space in packaging design. For the design, a two-tone graphic pattern was also created, which has a reference to rustic natural motifs. The colors of the pattern can be easily changed for different products, it is an easy system for branding. Author’s illustration in an engraving style with a mountain landscape, complemented the design and advertising materials of the brand.