PRIMMO Vermut Malbec 🍇 Cumbre, Córdoba, Argentina

Emi Renzi

Design and illustration for Primmo, a Vermouth Malbec 🍇 Produced in La Cumbre, Córdoba, Argentina 🇦🇷

Here I present a work that began some time ago, it was a long road but it was worth it and it has already been launched on the market.

The idea was to develop a design of Italian heritage where the leading role is in charge of all the native flora of the place, with their own codes of appetizers. Primmo Vermut is made in La Cumbre, Córdoba, in a natural environment surrounded by rivers, forests and mountains.

This beautiful #Vermouth combines Malbec and Moscatel de Mendoza wine with botanicals, herbs and native flowers from the mountains of Córdoba.


Emi Renzi

Primmo vermut