Do the right thing!
Undoubtedly, from the experience of the people around us, we have heard that we bought the product because of the beautiful design of the packaging, and after opening it, we encountered an ugly and poor quality phenomenon.
On the other hand, unfortunately, in the saffron market, the opposite of this story has been seen many times. Quality saffron is produced and prepared by the brand, but the packaging is devoid of any smart and eye-catching elegance.
This packaging is prepared for Super Negin saffron. From the choice of form, stability, color and inlaid motifs, all of them have many aesthetic and marketing considerations that you can see.
We used golden color to pack Zaim’s saffron hard box. The reason for this choice was that the combination of gold and black color with the red color of saffron creates an eye-catching combination and preserves the luxury of the product inside, i.e. saffron. Also, gold and red printing have a very beautiful effect on these colors. Besides these, the Zaim brand logo has been highlighted to help make the brand name bolder.