100 Years Carnival


Aveiro, Lisbon, New York, Napa Valley

After a two-year break due to the pandemic, Portugal’s Carnival of Torres Vedras is about to get back to the streets, and this edition kicks off the one-year Centenary Celebrations

The tradition of the King of the Carnival dates back to 1923, even though the carnival manifestations are secular. Initially, only a King was part of the festivities, with a Queen, played by a man from the local community, joining only in 1924.

We were challenged to create a wine packaging to pay homage to the people of Torres Vedras and to celebrate the 100th anniversary. The client demanded a unique piece, something that could last for a lifetime and be an object of collection.

Our team has studied everything related to history have decided to create a metal piece in copper, using the characteristic carnival mask. Then we tested how to produce it and make it look like a 3d embossed mask.

Tests after tests we also have discovered that it can turn into a keychain, which gives a second life to the piece.

Finally, to look like a “must have” magnum special edition, only 1000 were produced, we added a tag with a small story of this celebration, the colorful lacquer on top and the exquisite wood packaging.

This wood packaging is also a piece of art, from the shape, and wood finish to the way that it can be opened… it’s much more than a transport box, it is a piece to keep.



Aveiro, Lisbon, New York, Napa Valley
Adega Mãe Atlantic Wines