Pcelica – Education Through Design

Derrick Lin


Designer: Matija Blagojevic
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: Pcelica, Kraljevo
Location: Serbia
Packaging Materials: Glass, paper

Pcelica Kraljevo is a family production of honey that originates from the late 80s. The products are mainly produced in the family’s own bee place where bees, in intact nature, collect one of the highest-quality honey in Serbia, and this is the future design of the overall honey assortment that this company has to offer.

Matija Blagojevic added one more item to the design concept packing and that is the education of the young and old through design itself. As a matter of fact, there are few interesting hand-drawn illustrations on the labels, ranging from bee anatomy to its smallest body parts and neural network. The idea is that the design is not only used for marketing purpose but also for customer education through the illustrations on the back of the label. This idea is closely related to the numbering of each jar, which abstract numbers were specially designed for this project. Logo originated from the three ideas that symbolize honeycomb, the initial letter of the company (Cyrillic П) and stylizes flower shape.