Packaging You Shouldn’t Miss In July 2016

Derrick Lin

Packaging of the World presents the top 10 posts for the month of July 2016. They are selected according to their post views, social shares, social likes, re-tweets repins and people reached. All these data were collected on this website and also on different platforms like our Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest page. These projects will definitely inspire you for your next design project!

Grow With Me! ‪‎packaging ‪‎design by Andrea Ribera, Cristina Castells, Maria Fernanda Peña to encourage kids to eat healthily

Grow With Me! is respectful with the enviroment and with double function. We generated an attractive box for an adult (parents) and children audience, with biodegradale materials, the cardboard and both inks. Creating a surprise effect while opening it, we wanted to encourage children to eat legumes and finally giving a second use to package: a pot, so that children can plant their own vegetables and grow with them.

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Noble Rey Brewery Co. Cans – ‎cute‬ ‎beer‬ ‎packaging‬ ‪design‬ by Magnificent Beard (‪USA‬)

Our initial vision was to craft an illustrated persona for each brew, but the real estate on cans is slim and Texas beer coolers are overcrowded. So we opted to create an ownable stacking system that creates a full body character when the cans are stacked two tall. These cans are hard to miss when you’re browsing the beer cooler…or double fisting.

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Is this the ‪Future‬ of ‪Flower‬ ‪‎Packaging‬? ‪‎Design‬ by ‪‎students‬ – Linn Karlsson, Nina Klose and Jonathan Alonso Jonsson

The brief was to create and invent a new way to package flowers that’s more efficient, sustainable and communicates to the new consumer. We decided to create two types of packaging for bouquets – one for warmer weather and a closable one for colder. The package closes by lock mechanisms in the carton board and the handle. This makes the package sustainable since no glue or tape is needed.

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Coco Fiori – ‪Flowers‬ ‎packaging‬ made for ‪sharing‬ – ‪Design‬ by Backbone Branding (‪Armenia‬)

The challenge was to create an exclusive collection for local leader brand in premium flower brand Coco Fiori. The idea came exactly from exclusivity of this product. It is a big bouquet of flower, which You can share into parts and to present a peace of beauty to the people You love. Share beauty with Share Collection became the slogan of promo campaign, which exactly describes the idea of this packaging.

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‪‎Summer‬ ‪‎Coca Cola‬ ‪‎Bottle‬ made from 100% ‪‎Ice‬ by Ogilvy & Mather (‪‎Colombia‬)

Coca-Cola has satisfied our thirst every summer since 1886. So how can we keep Coke so refreshing after all this time? By launching the REAL ICE COLD COCA-COLA: a bottle made of actual ice.

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‪Reusing‬ the lovely Brum Brum ‪‎packaging‬

We call it the Brum Box, because after unpacking you don`t throw away the package, but transform it into Brum Brum’s new home, where the balance bike can rest till its next ride. The main challenge was to create a packaging, which is not meant to be thrown away, but can be re- used within activities that are directly linked to the packaged product and its new owner.

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Peckish ‪‎Bird‬ Seed ‪Packaging‬ ‪Design‬ ‪‎Student‬ ‪Concept‬ by Shohaib Iqbal

Take an item from a supermarket shelf that is worth £1 (approx.) and then re-design and repackage the item and in someway give the product “added value”, so it can be replaced on the supermarket shelf and sold for double the price. My solution was a statement solution that creatively uses a folding technique to mimic the opening and closing of a bird’s mouth to dispense the seeds. The design itself interacts perfectly with kids and also adults too!

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F1BER Bar ‪Packaging‬ ‪Design‬ ‪Concept‬ by Rasmus Erixon & Fanny Löfvall (‪‎Sweden‬)

We created the brand F1BER. Striving to always beat your personal best and perform at peak becomes more and more common. F1BER is the name of the new brand we have developed, where the 1 stands for the ambition to always perform at your best. F1BER is targeting people who have the dream of becoming athletes and at the same time want to feel good on the inside. The typeface was created by hand with paint and brush. This created a tough and challenging look that simultaneously feels nice and familiar.

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Yuheng ‪‎Tea‬ ‪packaging‬ ‪‎design‬ by OnionDesign (‎Taiwan‬)

The logo mark is designed base on Chinese character “恆’ taken from brand name “有恆焙茶”. It also a graphical representation of the tea leaves inside a tea cup.

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How many ‪jars‬ are there? The Illusionist ‪packaging‬ ‎design‬ ‎concept‬ by Anthony Guex (‪Canada‬)

Anthony Guex tells a story inspired by the illusionist’s game where the packaging comes with a saw that actually helps revealing two small jars of jam when we thought there was only one.

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