
Москва, Россия

Creative Agency: Ohmybrand
Project Type: Produced Commercial Work
Client: Agroinwest
Location: Russia

My summer all year round

The Moscow Branding Studio Ohmybrand has developed a trademark of fresh vegetables “My Summer”. Positioning and packaging of the brand were created in the framework of this project.

The title “Moje leto” (means My Summer) evokes pleasant associations with seasonal vegetables that have absorbed the warmth of the sunlight. Trendy flat design, purposely devoid of detail, is associated with local production where tomatoes and cucumbers are grown with special care. The pictograms on the front part show that harmony of nature and technology plays a special role in the production process – farmers pollinate vegetables with live bees and water them with the use of rainwater. Sprouts on multipacks form an infinitely-long branch that is typical for hydroponic greenhouses. Due to such a trick the brand-zone becomes visible from a big distance and consumers remember it better.


Москва, Россия