Derrick Lin


Designer: Anna Weddle
Project Type: Student Project
School: Ball State University
Course: Visual Communications Design 3
Tutor: Shantanu Suman
Location: Muncie, IN
Packaging Contents: Takeout Boxes
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Paper and wire
Printing Process: Digital Printing

China Express is a small restaurant in Muncie, Indiana. I designed them a food truck and new to go boxes to coordinate with the updated logo design. Easy to transport takeout boxes with built in handles that seal tightly with stickers are very practical for food trucks. The boxes are designed like the traditionally shaped Chinese takeout boxes, but they are branded to fit the new China Express identity. The design uses stickers to cheaply seal and brand the restaurant takeout boxes.

What’s Unique?
Personalized Chinese takeout boxes in three different sizes. The store logo is printed on a sticker for sealing the top of the takeout boxes, allowing them to