
Vicolo Olmo, 37066 Sommacampagna VR, Italia

Design: Onice Design
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: Bigagnoli Wines
Location: Italy
Packaging Contents: Wine
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Paper, glass bottle
Printing Process: Screen Printing + Tactile Varnish

CONCUBINE is an awesome sweet wine, with a bright color and a deep taste. Bigagnoli still breaks out the norm and challenges the market — as it happened with his widely renown red and white wine — by creating a label with a geometrical black pattern, enhancing the luxury of the wine and embracing the bottle in a precious and modern texture.

No datas, names or logos are visible in a front view: the product itself speaks, inspiring emotions and desires. The user is bound to touch, rotate and watch closely the bottle to discover informations. The pattern is enriched with a tactile varnish (transparent over black paper), which embodies the bottle in a fresh black pattern, letting the wine color explode with its superb nuances. A luxury pack for a luxury wine.

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