Militsa Premium Apple Cider

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Derrick Lin


Designer: Popi Pissouriou
Illustrator: Janet Neilson
Project Type: Produced
Client: Militsa Apple Cider
Location: Nicosia, Cyprus
Packaging Contents: Apple Cider
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Glass bottle
Printing Process: Flexography

A young couple made the first Cypriot premium cider, with the name Militsa (female Greek name, meaning “little apple tree”). The character is a nymph that wanders through the waters of Troodos (mountain in Cyprus) and lives under the trees. Her purpose is to protect the apple trees, to smell the flowers and to choose the best fruits to give to people.

Printmaker Janet Neilson beautifully portrayed her with a linocut print. Graphic designer Popi Pissouriou designed the name using also the technique of linocut, in order to harmoniously blend with the illustration. She then designed the label and the logo.