Puerto La Fuente

Cabello x Mure

Corre. San Fernando, 23400 Úbeda, Jaén, España

Project Type: Produced
Client: Puerto La Fuente
Location: Ciudad Real, Spain
Packaging Contents: Extra virgin olive oil
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Glass

“Puerto La Fuente” is a brand of extra virgin olive oil from olive groves of “Castilla la Mancha”. The typical white houses with their indigo colored baseboard so characteristic of this area have inspired us to design their 4 single-varieties.

We moved these walls to the container and we imagined that “Don Quixote and Sancho Panza”, the most famous characters of this region, have left their mark on them through nice graffiti.

Cabello x Mure

Corre. San Fernando, 23400 Úbeda, Jaén, España