Derrick Lin


Agency: Auge Design
Creative Director: Davide Mosconi
Designer: Andrea Mastroluca
Project Type: Produced
Client: Sammontana
Location: Italy
Packaging Contents: Ice cream cakes
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Cardboard
Printing Process: Offset Printing

The packaging we designed looks sophisticated yet minimal, where the cakes’ pictures play with a graphical colored stripes pattern. Each side of the boxes shows a side of the product; on the top, an overhead point of view shows the cake at its best, capturing details and imperfections that make the product look sincere and authentic. The typographical approach is clean and elegant, and narrates of a non-artificial confectionery dimension. The stripes, when combined together, give birth to an impactful wall composition. The overall look is delightful and bright, and reflects an Italian visual imagery of colours, mood and emotion.

What’s Unique?
The adoption of a fresh and contemporary visual language to a really traditional product, trough an authentic photographic styling respecting its heritage and handcrafted quality.