AquaGracio: Harmony in the Water


Москва, Россия

Design: Ohmybrand
Location: Russia
Project Type: Produced
Client: Aqualine
Product Launch Location: Russia
Packaging Contents: Water
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Plastic bottle

The company “Aqualine” has revived the brand of therapeutic table water AquaGracio that promotes weight loss. The concept of packaging for the updated brand was developed by the Ohmybrand Branding Agency.

AquaGracio has not been released for more than a decade, and the decision to relaunch this product certainly required a significant update to its design. In addition to meeting modern visual trends, the packaging was intended to distinguish AquaGracio from the competitors and reflect its unique properties. Independent studies have shown that this water contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes, cleanses the body and improves the emotional state. Moreover, these properties are not achieved due to artificial additives, it is natural spring water.

The redesign was commissioned to the Ohmybrand team (by the way, this is not the first project done together by Aqualine and Ohmybrand – we have already had a successful experience of cooperation working on the sports line of the water brand “Arkhyz”).

The key image of the updated AquaGracio label is a female silhouette that resembles the image of Leonardo da Vinci’s “Vitruvian Man” that has for centuries been a symbol of harmony in the human body. The logo also plays with the “Vitruvian Man” symbolism as it is typed using the Antiqua font that appeared in Western Europe during the Renaissance. Also, the logo is framed by a recognizable frame of a circle intersecting with a square.
“The concept is based on the idea that our target audience has stopped thinking about weight loss as an end in itself,” says Nadezhda Parshina, creative director of the project. — The desire to normalize your weight is just one aspect of the complex concept of wellbeing that also includes the desire to take care of yourself, to lead a healthy lifestyle and to be in harmony. Therefore, our packaging is not about slimness and getting rid of extra centimeters, but about lightness and harmony.”

In addition to the label design, the project team also worked on the bottle itself. The shape became more modern and gender-neutral (the old version of the bottle with curves was more attractive to female audiences), the color is now more “complex” and noble.

The changes also affected wording. Thus, the brand name, which was previously written in Cyrillic (“АкваГрацио”), has been replaced with a Latin variant “AquaGracio” that is more authentic and appropriate for the renewed concept. Instead of the descriptor “therapeutic table water” there is now a more universal inscription “sparkling drinking water” – even in such details the brand strives to be simple and understandable for a wide target audience.

Federal sales of the updated AquaGracio will begin in July this year.


Москва, Россия