Design: Gauri Rao
Location: India
Project Type: Student Project
School: Unitedworld Institute of Design
Tutor: Abhrojit Boral & Sambit Pradhan
Packaging Contents: Exfoliation scrub
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Ceramic jar, Cardboard
Printing Process: Digital printing

ERBE PELLE is a premium skincare brand that promotes giving natural, healthy, and effective skin for all skin types. It is widely known as The Basil House. The brand is equally distributed in India and Italy and has over 8,000 store outlets.

Basil is amazing for skin beauty. Being having antiseptic properties, it is a useful natural remedy for multiple skin problems and conditions. If you want flawless, blemish, and acne-free skin, use basil. Basil provides some macronutrients, such as calcium and vitamin K, as well as a range of antioxidants. Basil possesses excellent anti-inflammatory properties that work well in warding off skin irritations, small wounds, and sores. The soothing effects of basil leaves help in healing eczema. The goodness of vitamin C boosts skin cells’ metabolism and elasticity.

At ERBE PELLE safety is paramount. What we include in our products is just as important as what we exclude from them. We strive to avoid unnecessary and harsh ingredients and we prioritize ingredients that are not only safe for your skin but also safe for the planet, throughout the lifecycle of our products. We are committed to ingredient transparency so you can make informed decisions for your skin health.

ERBE PELLE targets professionals, youths, teenagers, and provides customers a complete skincare regime. Usually, women aging from 18-55 years. The reason it is able to target such a wide range of ages is because of customer loyalty built by this excellent brand over the years.

The shape, look, and feel of the packaging is very unique. It is very simple as well as aesthetic and eco-friendly. Instead of throwing away, primary and secondary packaging can also be used for different purposes.

ERBE PELLE has always been cautious about the carbon footprint and environmental waste that is being produced. This year we have brought in the design minds to redesign the packaging and serve our customers and the planet better. The boxes created from corrugated cardboard, later they would be created from the extraction of basil.