Design: Jovana NeshovaLocation: Macedonia Project Type: Student Project School: Brainster Tutor: Dijana DimitrievskaPackaging Contents: Honey Packaging Substrate / Materials: Glass Printing Process: Digital printing

BIE is a student project for logo and packaging for honey. The main task was to create a logo that would be related to the product itself.

The name BIE is a Norwegian word for bee. A stringing winged insect that collects nectar and polen produces wax and honey and lives in large communities.

I introduced the BIE as raw & unfiltered honey that is made by Macedonian bees and who comes straight from the hive – just as nature intended. It is not heated at high temperatures and the pollens have not been filtered out. Each batch is tested for a high pollen count and a clean read of corn syrup adulteration, pesticides, herbicides, and antibiotics before going into your bottle.

What’s Unique?
What is unique about BIE is the honey jar which is in the shape of a honeycomb. Almost all jars of honey come without spoons and it is more difficult to use because you use an ordinary spoon. So I created a package wherein the jar there is a wooden spoon for honey which is a kind of dropper and it’s a way easier and proper way to eat honey.