Derrick Lin


Co-Founder: Isabella Herrera
Location: Ecuador
Project Type: Produced
Client: Cloud9 BioLab
Product Launch Location: Ecuador
Packaging Contents: Body Butter
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Aluminium
Printing Process: Digital Printing

Cloud9 Biolab is actually my own small skincare brand. Me and my co-founder Rafaela decided to create our small business in the middle of the pandemic. We’re both ecuadorian born and raised, but we were living outside our home country for some time. When COVID hit, we came back home and realized we needed to create products with a “high end” type of quality made here, with our own materials, ingredientes, workers, and creatives. Most of the skincare brands en in Ecuador are handcrafted, so we new there was space for a very high quality brand to come to life.

Rafaela is a Bio-chemist and me (Isabella) am a Graphic Designer, we joined forces and developed Cloud9 BioLab. A skincare brand made by humans for humans. A small lab where human meets nature. Simple. We’re trying to simplify skin care while using nature as a model. We’re creating multipurpose products made with what is fair and necessary. Every single one of our formulas is developed in our lab in order to create 100% natural products that react perfectly with our skin’s microbiome.

As a brand we believe that the impact we have on our planet, our economy, the people that buy our products, and most of all, our future, is a very important aspect to take into account while developing our products. That’s why our packaging is created based on all of those elements. We use an aluminium packaging because is one of the materials that can hold skincare components for long periods of time while not letting them get rotten, and at the same time, having a small impact on climate change. Our aluminium pots can also be reused or returned to our store in order for them to have a second life and not get thrown away and become trash.

The pots we use are also perfect for a product that will be held in a bathroom most of the time – it’s not dangerous like glass can be sometimes. The circular shape it has and the texture the aluminium gives, are the perfect combination for them to feel familiar, light and fresh in the hands of our costumers. Finally, the graphic design every single pot holds, is an amazing differentiator from other brands here in Ecuador that usually are more “handcrafted” and not as clean and sleek. We believe we are one of the first ecuadorian skincare brands that can be recognized as “high end” and luxurious.