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Derrick Lin

Design: Shyika&Shyika
Location: Ukraine
Project Type: Concept
Packaging Contents: Pickled jalapeño peppers
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Glass bottle, recycled paper
Printing Process: Digital printing

Home Jalapeño it’s about home production, about its own unique recipe for pickled peppers.

The product is completely made at home: from drying of the seeds, growing in а greenhouse to the product packaging and the delivery. At the beginning of the production for the packaging product was used glass jars of various sizes. Many pages from newspapers or magazines were wrapping the glass jars for safe transportation.

Strategy solution
We’ve used recycled eco-paper as rolls for wrapping. Due to the ability to cut paper anywhere the usage of a roll significantly reduces wasting paper.

Branding & Packaging design idea
The visual solution of wrapping paper is very simple in focus to show the nutrient composition of the product. We’ve photographed about 100 pickled jalapeño pepper rings as main product images, and show marinade ingredients as a typography grid.

We decided to create a simple brand name for emphasizing home production. Therefore the part of the logo with the word “jalapeño” has been carefully crafted to visualize the curved shape of pepper ring with seeds, and the word “home” was traced from the handwriting of the product manufacturer.