ABC Design Communication

Συνταγματάρχου Δαβάκη 15, Πεύκη 151 21, Ελλάδα

The Rebranding of the Greek coffee “Greco” was deemed necessary by the company SOTTOS family, aiming not only to increase their turnover but also to mark the beginning of a new era for their business and the German market in general.

ABC Design designed the packaging inspired by the simple, Doric line of the Greek civilization, underlining the punch of taste the well-roasted GRECO coffee has to offer. The metallic foil bag, combined with the coffee beans and the steaming cup of coffee arouses the buyer to taste “Greece”, to dream and to traverse the blue color of the sky and the sea. The “GRECO” logo in red letters is cheeky and plays with the balance between passion and authenticity in taste. A taste that overflows with Greece.