A Robust Design approach for packaging premiumization of CEAT Puncture Safe Tyres!
Tires are looked at as a commodity, often stacked on top of each other at the stores. But Ceat with its newly developed product came to us with an interesting challenge. The product was to be the first In the industry product, to solve the key consumer pain of punctures in the two-wheeler category.
The key challenges that the brand team put forth to consider while ideating the design were:
- No load should come on the Tyre (from top/ Sides)
- Should avoid dust & contaminants from entering the Tyre
One more key objective in creating a great packaging was to utilize this opportunity to create a premiumization experience around the product while taking care of all the other key parameters:
Functional, Legal, Branding, Aesthetics, Quality, Ceat being one of the top brands in Tyre Segment had stringent brand guidelines when it came to usage of colors and brand logo so all that added another dimension to the creative thinking.
First up our team spent a good one week understanding the dynamics of the Tyre category and the product we were to brand and package. We spoke to a couple of Tyre dealers, consumers to understand the buying pattern, expectations and willingness to spend for a Tyre that offered a next step convenience and safety while riding. Without revealing many details, yet talking about the first of its kind attributes, the consumers gave a mixed response that set high expectations from tyre packaging. They wanted the pack to convey the product benefit and value clearly especially if they had to pay a premium versus the ordinary tyres.
Taking that as a starting point we embarked on sketching the right format for the Packaging without making it bulky and facilitating the ease of stacking in a retail outlet. Understanding the scale, the retail presence and the buyer behaviour an ergonomic Hexagonal shape for the package was finalized. This format not only enhanced the stability of the Product but also facilitated multiple panels for Branding. The creativity now lied in using the faces effectively for Branding.
Ceat brand guidelines allow not more than 2 neutral colors apart from the Brand Blue and Orange to be used for the Design and with that limitation, we put our creative wit into full throttle. We chose the brand Blue and paired it with a neutral Sliver to create a strikingly first-rate color palette. Puncture safe which is the unique attribute in the Tyre category had to be communicated clearly, so a visual story was devised around it showing how the technology works. For those who love riding, Tyre marks hold a lot of significance, almost like a trail of pride they leave. No wonder Tyre s are manufactured with different thread patterns. Jokes apart the thread pattern serve their purpose of the good grip and minimizing wear and tear. So we made the Thread pattern an aesthetic visual hook on one of the key Brand Panel along with the Bold CEAT branding.
Another key aspect of the Packaging was to communicate the type and size of the Tyre clearly thus making it convenient for the retailer to identify and manage stock effortlessly. We designed a typographic panel to state the specifics of each tyre to tackle the stock movement. When you work with the brands who are the leaders in their category, all that you create for them have to reflect that spirit. The thoughtfulness behind the new product thus was translated by our team into an equally thoughtful packaging with an edge like no other.