Founded by Pedro Álvarez in 2003, PANCRACIO is a brand of chocolate and related products based on the values of quality, style and humor. The idea was to create from Cadiz, an affordable premium brand for a market that until then was too traditional and boring

We also create the name, corporate identity and packaging design. We focus on conveying brand values through simple, sophisticated and elegant graphic elements. We put emphasis on choosing high quality materials and premium finishes that bring to the design the extra quality that the category requires and taking care in all cases to the last detail, all of this, balancing needs to resources. In addition, a close, humorous tone of voice has helped the brand connect with its audiences: the public wants it and the press loves it.

Thus, this visual universe was applied with consistency and consistency in all the media that we have developed during all these years: products, online store, authorized points of sale, own points of sale, campaigns, events…  and thanks to this, PANCRACIO is sold in some of the most luxurious lifestyle stores in the world, reaps great national and international awards and is published in the most prestigious food, lifestyle and decoration magazines in the world.

The history of PANCRACIO is that of a brand that knew how to reinvent a saturated market, offering a fresh and attractive proposal. His meteoric rise testifies to the power of clear vision, careful design and an authentic tone of voice.

In a world where quality and originality are scarce, PANCRACIO stands out as an example of how creativity can transform an industry.