Andrew Zo

The pop-up Christmas card, created by Andrew Zo to commemorate his 10 years of freelancing, was thoughtfully designed to include a detachable, miniature ornament as a special keepsake. Every year for Christmas, Andrew handcrafts special pop-up cards for the clients he has worked with throughout the year as a gesture of gratitude. Much of the design focuses on creating a unique pop-up experience that is both visually striking and simple enough to assemble, allowing Andrew to personally hand-assemble each card with care.

The idea for Andrew’s 2023 Christmas card emerged from the question: How does one celebrate the holidays at work? While some take vacation during this time, many continue working up until the days just before the holiday. Wanting to give his clients a visual reminder of the festive season, Andrew envisioned a design that could also serve as a decorative piece for their work desks.


  1. I really like your approach to a creative and exploratory self project that also thinks of your client community. A traditional idea of a card elevated. You thought of its application very thoroughly and it shows. It “could also serve as a decorative piece for their work desks.” Very clever and thoughtful. <3

Andrew Zo

Designer: Andrew Zo