Mania Vintage Edition

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Derrick Lin


Design: Temper Tantrum
Project Type: Concept proposal
Client: Mania Peri Peri
Location: Porto, Portugal
Packaging Contents: Hot Sauce
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Glass bottle

Mania is a brand of Peri Peri Sauces with various flavours from South Africa. As hot sauces have several routes to follow, they decided to expand and create a Vintage Edition range with 3 different flavours, Habansco Orange, Habanero Green and Habaneto Red.

The Mania brand had already been designed, so the aim was to create this Vintage Edition, while still keeping Manias’ core values and background. The main inspiration were tribal african patterns and colour schemes, each complementing its flavour, making them unique and distinguishable while keeping similar touches so they would still work as a brand. The final result was a spot of colour for supermarket shelves.

What’s Unique?
The design of each pattern is specific to each flavour, complemented with colour and gradient to top it off, always with the tribal african patterns in mind.