Designer: Laia Aviñoa
Project Type: Student Project
School: EINA, Escola de Disseny i Art
Course: Product design
Tutor: Oriol Ventura
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Packaging Contents: Burger & Fries
Packaging Materials: Seed’s paper and PLA
Seeing and living with polluted beaches is increasingly common nowadays. Tonnes of waste are dumped into the sea every day, and plastic is both the most common and the most harmful material of them.
This has led to a reconsideration of the current uses of plastic, and attempts to replace it in a range of areas. In this case, the area of action is the food sector, and the aim is to help reduce environmental pollution, albeit on a small scale.
Thus, the aim of this project is to design eco-friendly packaging for the take-away section of a homemade hamburger chain from Barcelona, called Bacoa. The goal is to find a material capable of matching or even improving on the preservation and packaging functions currently held by plastic in the food sector, but it has to be, at the same time, environmentally friendly.
In this case, the proposal is a compound formed by an external seed’s paper layer and an inside PLA (lactic polyacid) one, in order to waterproof the container and to protect it from possible sauces that may spill. These two materials were chosen for their good environmental characteristics and at the same time, their good preservation and packaging of food. The fact that the paper can then be planted provides an extra user experience that can help them to be introduced into ecology’s world.
Adaptability is a key point for the package to be comfortable. Therefore, a system of independent containers that can be added or removed depending on customer demand have been designed. Thus, the user carries the volume equivalent to what they have ordered, without having to carry empty containers and, as a result, with extra weight and bulk.
What’s Unique?
Once the main function of packaging is done, the user has the possibility to assambly an origami animal by following some simple instructions that are drawn inside the handles. This figure can vary and thus keep the surprise factor of the customer.Finally, when the user have finished their meal, the packaging can be planted by following some simple instructions that are drawn on the packaging’s back. This is posible because of the usage of this new compound (seed’s paper and PLA).