Sauvignon Blanc and Cabernet Seitanidis Estate

noon design + branding

Vasileos Irakleiou, Thessaloniki, Greece

Design: Noon branding + design
Creative Director, Illustrator: Stelios Pseftogas
Photographer: Thanos Kartsoglou
Project Type: Produced
Client: Seitanidis Estate
Location: Greece
Packaging Contents: Wine
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Glass bottle, Paper
Printing Process: Digital printing, Foil stamping, Screen printing

First let’s lay out our facts; the Seitanidis Winery is located in a small village called Folia (which translates as “nest” in Greek) at the foot of Mount Symvolo (which means “Symbol” in Greek). To honour the contribution and energy of the location to the creation of the wines, we decided to illustrate a nest on their label, a structure that is built by birds with much effort and love, to hold their eggs.

The shape of the nest, which also includes the shape of the egg, is designed around the Greek letter Ω (omega), a letter found in both the words ΦΩΛΙΑ (nest) and ΩΟΝ (egg), two words connected in nature as symbols of birth and creation. Words become shapes, letters become symbols, and this blend of meanings and images creates the visual identity of the two two varietal wines, Sauvignon Blanc and Cabernet.