Lingua Simplex – Language play. Language learning.

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Derrick Lin


Agency: Amelung Design GmbH
Client: Lingua Simplex

Type Of Work: Commercial Work

Executive Creative Director: Jonathan Sven Amelung
Design: Jonathan Sven Amelung
Author / Editor: Alicia Maritza Amelung
Illustrator: Angela Wittchen
Idea & Concept: Jonathan Sven Amelung

Country: Germany

Design language pairs games for all ages. Both for adults and for children.

Each game pack represents by a character with a typical geographical origin and nationality of their country. Countries which have stereotyped characters, so that each game pack personifies a character for the learning language inside.

By pushing upwards and the other downwards the slip lid of the game boxes. The character-illustrations will be transformed and the character-expressions changed in a funny playful manner, which supports the clichés of the characters.

Learning best in a playful way, because by playing we are known to learn most successfully.

The Design Agency Amelung Design, located in Hamburg, Germany, has won for their packaging design series “Lingua Simplex – Language play. Language learning.” the European Design Award. Lingua Simplex was also awarded by the Art Directors Club for Germany in 2014 and are nominated for the German Design Award 2015.

  1. I like the simplicity of the product; it doesn’t need a lot of effort to make it attractive. The product itself with a little design is enough to make the product awesome.

  2. It really fits for a teens! I love the design, structure of the product and the different color in every different flavor. I’m sure it can get the attentions of everybody.

  3. The banding of the product looks good and attractive. I like the saying that shows outside the product. It helps the customer to understand and like their product more. God Job!

  4. The concept was pretty cool. I’m sure when it’s already out in the market it can gets attention of the customer. The color is good and I like the logo it has its own originality.

  5. The flower design in a product looks real, I love it. I’m sure a lot of women prefer to have this product. Good Job.

  6. The kids will love this, the product looks beautiful and a very good choice of color since the target market is the kids. I’m sure that a lot of mother will choose this for their kids. Keep up the good work.

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Derrick Lin
