Clearly Pure – Egg Packaging (Student Project)

Derrick Lin


Designer: Emily Lau
Project Type: Student Project
Packaging Content: Eggs, poster book
Location: Hong Kong

Egg package & promotional poster book & product shot

This is a package that emphasizes the hygiene and purity of its pasteurized, bacteria-free eggs. The eggs are supported by the elasticity of plastic wraps and it also creates a oating effect. The plastic wrap could directly display the quality of the eggs and emphasizes the smoothness of eggs, which convinces and attracts the customers. The insert is made up of thick white cardboard with plastic wrap which is less likely to bend, while the outer box is made up of strong corrugated berboard, which is more suitable for bending but still provides protection. The insert is held and supported by a piece of flap from the outer box.

I also created a poster book as promotional material. To echo the concept of my package, I used plastic sheet as a book sleeve to convey the feeling of clear and pure. At the same time it increases people’s desire to take and keep it, also lengthens the durability.