Irra Dates

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Derrick Lin


Agency: Owlworx
Art Director: Sasi Kumar N
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: Irra Dates
Location: Bengaluru, India
Packaging Contents: Dates
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Laminate

The Indian market views dates as a commodity with very little differentiation. Irra dates wanted launch a premium range of dates for the Indian market, they sourced 3 different types of dates from all over the world to give a range of dates that were unparalleled in quality in the Indian market.

The brand wanted to create a unique look & aesthetic which was modern, premium, contemporary and a pack that would set itself apart from the myriad number of “Arab” inspired packaging design. Owlworx created a pack that helped the brand stand out in the shelves and establish superiority in a purely commodity market.

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What’s Unique?
A unique look & aesthetic which is modern, premium, contemporary and different from the myriad number of “Arab” inspired packaging designs for dates.