Derrick Lin


Designed by Kamigami
Project Type: Self Promotion
Location: United States
Packaging Contents: Beverages, Coffee, Beer, Alcohol, Cups
Packaging Materials: Solid Bleached Sulphate (SBS), Kraftpak

Mugshot is more than just a promo cup sleeve. It represents brands and the passion behind them.

Mugshot is a portable billboard that puts brands in front of the people that matter: customers.

We help companies connect with their consumers by offering a unique user experience that makes an impact on first sight. Branding with Mugshot allows companies to express their values, ideas and culture in a way that’s sure to generate buzz, get noticed, and be remembered.

Now that’s something we can all drink to!

What’s Unique?
At Mugshot we’ve got some problems with the promo cup sleeve – Once in use, any message printed on the sleeve or cup gets hidden from view, negatively impacting branding potential.

Don’t worry, we figured this one out.

Our solution is Mugshot, a printed promotional cup sleeve that remains visible during the ENTIRE time of use.

Yes friends, a handle makes all the difference!