Designer: Stanislav Rafferti
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Location: Europe
Packaging Contents: Washing liquid for fruits and vegetables
There are the different ways to clean the fruits and vegetables: water, kitchen soap, chemical liquids… But all of they have some downsides like not efficiency or dangerous chemical elements.
In this context, Rafferti have developed new brand and package design for new product category for many markets – washing liquid for fruits and vegetables – a safe and effective product that can effectively clean fruits and vegetables from harmful bacteria.
The positioning of this product is reflected in the name (Verde (Spanish word) is translated as green), in logo and design the packaging. Using of green makes the perception of the product natural and safe for health. At the same time its efficiency is underlined in red accent on the packaging.
According to the results of the retail audit in pre-launch period this product is highlighted in the shop windows and is attractive to a buyers who cares about their health.