Designer: Iris Kim
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: Handsome Jerky Co
Location: Los Angeles, U.S.A
Packaging Contents: Jerky
Packaging Materials: pouch
Handsome Jerky is a patent-pending beef jerky embedded with almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds and dried cranberries to create the high-energy, low-fat, all-in-one nut & fruit jerky.
From the very beginning, we wanted to create an image that showed a collage of different components to mirror the product’s characteristics. The current packaging shows intricate patterns & colors that come together to create a concept that has never been seen before in beef jerky packaging, which is very often ridden with images of cows and pastures.
What’s Unique?
Beef jerky packaging currently on the market often use kraft paper to create a rustic look, and often uses images of cows and pastures, or sports activities. We wanted to differentiate our packaging from the current market, but also wanted it to tie back to our product’s characteristics.