La Selvaseria

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Derrick Lin

Creative Agency: La Fonda Gràfica
Graphic designer: Oriol Piferrer Saló
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: La Selvaseria
Location: Vidreres, Catalonia (Spain)
Packaging Contents: Craft Beer
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Paper label / Cardboard box
Printing Process: Offset printing with selective varnish

La Selvaseria craft beer is produced in La Selva region (Catalonia). It is the people of this land who inspires this design and invites consumers to share special moments that can be found in popular festivals or just enjoying sea or mountains. Different kinds of beer show silhouettes that are associated to each type of celebration: Selva Fosca (Dark Selva) to the Serrallonga dance, Selva Bruna (Brown Selva) to popular meals, Selva Doble (Double Selva) to giants, Selva Fresca (Fresh Selva) to maritime processions and Selva Rossa (Blonde Selva) simply to our relax moments. In La Selva villages there are special moments and in La Selvaseria know how to share them. One Selva please!

What’s Unique?
Have a specific type of beer related to traditional celebrations of La Selvaseria lands. And the family can grow easily linked with many other local celebrations (Christmas, Enramades, Almorratxes, Festa de les Bruixes, de la Ratafia, dels Segadors, etc.). Ready to enjoy both, craft beer and typical festivities.