Sahlins Brygghus

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Derrick Lin


Creative Agency: Under
Creative Director: Tobias Ottomar
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: Sahlins Brygghus
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Packaging Contents: Beer
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Glass
Printing Process: Offset printing

Sahlins is a Swedish family owned farm house and ostrich farm have been in business since 1979. In 2015 they decided to expand their business with a brewery – Sahlins Brygghus. The micro-brewery scene have seen an explosive development in Sweden the last couple of years and the competition is fierce. A common factor with all small scale breweries is that most of the beers are made for the hardcore beer aficionados and generally have a masculine visual language. Sahlins Brygghus wanted to create high quality beer with simple, pure flavors from mainly locally sourced produce – aimed at a more gender neutral audience.

Inspired from a birds-eye view of crop fields we created a simple grid of plates that we could create ever-changing variation with and that would stand out on the shelfs and create a strong brand recognition. A simple and inviting visual language, easily recognizable, appealing for a wide audience and bringing fourth the tradition of Sahlins without having a too retro inspired look. With the grid based system the label graphics interlock with each other and create a great visual effect when stacked next to each other.