Creative Agency: WowMe Design
Lead Creative: Ian Skelsey
Account Manager: Jon Cornish
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: Kerry Foods
Location: UK
Packaging Contents: Flavoured Yogurt
Following on from the successful 2016 Halloween inspired packs WowMe! were briefed by Kerry Foods to update the design of the packaging for their yogurt snack Yollies for this year’s spooky season.
With a line up of new exciting characters created, including a witch, a scary clown and even a crazy scientist, the pack received a fun monster-makeover. Inside the pack the fun doesn’t stop, as each pod containing the tasty yogurt snack is glow-in-the-dark!
Jon Cornish, Senior Account Manager at WowMe! commented, “For the second year we’ve created a great seasonal look for Yollies, with real shelf standout. We loved working with Kerry on this, ensuring that the packaging stays fun for children yet not too gory, all whilst retaining the key product attributes for parents.”
A great alternative to Trick or Treat sweets this Halloween, and the characters on the inner sticks will also give children a spooky surprise in their lunch boxes.
Yollies are in the chilled aisle now.