Designer: Mary Navarro (Marylali)
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: Canon Cigars / Jetroll
Location: Dominican Republic
Packaging Contents: Cigars
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Paper, cardboard, plastic
Printing Process: OffSet
Canon Cigars is a cigars brand produced from the best quality Caribbean tobacco. Combining convenience and versatility, this product is specially crafted to complement today’s evolving smoker’s habits. The cigars are a mix of only the finest quality tobacco leaves and ingredients to create the epitome of smokers luxury.
The packaging was developed with the concept of elegance in mind, pursuing to convey the idea of a cigar that represents social status, wisdom and power.
The neutral pallet with the golden touches, the owl as the brand mascot (in a still and vigilant position looking straight forward with confidence), the golden foil (specially crafted to maintain the tobacco aroma), the simplicity of the pouch and boxes, all combined to create a strong and elegant presence of the product in the shelves.