Design: Everland
Design Director: Mikael Tonning
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: Arcus Denmark
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
Packaging Contents: Aquavit
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Glass
Printing Process: Digital Printing
Schnapps doesn’t have to be caraway and dill. With Aalborg Basis, Aalborg Akvavit looked to invite consumers to engage with the aquavit and make it their own – perhaps add a touch of bacon, a dash of liquorice or their own mix of herbs. Everland helped create a design that is simple, encouraging and accessible for everybody to use as their own canvas for creating a spirit filled with personality. The mild flavour leaves room for personality so you can make a schnapps taste exactly the way you want it. Aalborg Basis is DYI schnapps at its finest.