Nikolaou Family hand-made soaps

ABC Design Communication

Συνταγματάρχου Δαβάκη 15, Πεύκη 151 21, Ελλάδα

Creative director: Kornilios Nikolaidis
Project Type: Produced
Client: Nikolaou Family
Location: Athens, Greece
Packaging Contents: Hand-made soaps
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Paper
Printing Process: Offset printing

Nikolaou Family produces its’ hand-made soap with traditional techniques, using extra virgin olive oil as the main ingredient.

As a priority for the new packaging, it was the protection of the product from environmental conditions, as well as the impression of the purity of the soap’s production. Therefore, paper packaging was selected.

Searching for an element that would characterize the product range, a group of characters was created, “the pure smiling angels”, who with their optimism and humorous mood, became the face of each product. The font that was selected, also hand-made and friendly, stresses the uniqueness and purity of the product.

The packaging was created exclusively for Nikolaou Family soaps, and changes the image of the soap market.

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