Derrick Lin


Design: Alexandr Belyaev
Location: Russia
Project Type: Produced
Client: Paradox brewery
Product Launch Location: Russia
Packaging Contents: Beer. Craft Beverage
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Glass. Aluminum
Printing Process: Flexography

Idea: Paradox is the name of young, authentic and fast-growing craft brewery placed in Saint-Petersburg Russia. The project’s aim was to develop a new unique identity to spread the brand ideas and increase visibility in the bar’s coolers.

The «paradoxical person» becomes a hero of the brewery brand. The hero character is cheerful, open to trying new things using all edges, infinitely aesthetic “drinker” in all possible positions and conditions.

There is a place for paradox in our life, that can change our point of view on familiar things, open up something new.

The brand symbol is intellectual chaos.