
Raugyklos g. 3-5, 01140 Vilnius, Lithuania

Agency: Étiquette
Design strategy: Laura Ragaišytė-Važgėlienė
Art direction: Irmantas Savulionis
Graphic design: Beatričė Baronaitė
Account management: Ramunė Baranauskaitė
Product photoshoot: Martyna Jovaišaitė Paukštė
Manufacturing: Immer Digital
Printing: Printela
Location: Lithuania
Project Type: Produced
Client: Vero Cafe
Product Launch Location: Lithuania
Packaging Contents: Coffee
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Plastic, Aluminium, Paper
Printing Process: Digital printing

SITUATION For more than 13 years, Vero Cafe has continuously grown. Today, it is one of the most ambitious coffee shop chains in Lithuania that can astonish even the most selective coffee lovers.

They tasked us to create universal and uniquely designed packs for different coffee types that can only be purchased at Vero Cafe cafes. Packaging must be noticeable in the cafe’s interior, arouse positive emotions, and make it easier to choose a favourite, high-quality coffee.

Depicting people who dedicate their lives to nurturing the coffee bean from the plant to the cup creates a real moment of authenticity. It shows a story of passion and sacrifice often forgotten by mainstream coffee producers. Enriched by a modern take on the exotic flora and a set of unexpected colours, these eye-catching illustrations create a positive and vibrant mood. Bright background colour ensures excellent visibility in both — brick-and-mortar cafes and the online store.

Large-scale names were created to be inclusive and understandable. Every piece of information tells a story. We didn’t forget the pack’s back, which has a letter from the roasters to the coffee drinkers.

What’s Unique?
We didn’t forget the pack’s back, which has a letter from the roasters to the coffee drinkers.


Raugyklos g. 3-5, 01140 Vilnius, Lithuania