Design: Mikayla Chin
Location: United States
Project Type: Student Project
School: San Jose State University
Tutor: Joe Miller
Packaging Contents: Shampoo and Soaps
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Glass bottle, Stainless steel, Metal tin
Printing Process: Organic ink cured by UV lights to avoid chemicals

Releaf is a personal care brand, focusing on helping your body and helping the world at the same time. The name Releaf sprouted from the idea of being a relief to the body and skin, while also giving a relief to the environment. The goal of Releaf is to relieve from the use of harsh chemicals and animal ingredients found in other personal care products. By using vegan ingredients and sustainable materials, Releaf is an all natural and organic brand. The purpose of Releaf products and packaging are to be reusable and sustainable. When choosing the materials and ingredients for our products, we keep the world and the future in mind.