Mr Fresh cat food, ingeniously for pets, provides comprehensive and balanced nutrition. Take good care of your cats. Mr Fresh scientifically proportioned, precise nutrition, comprehensive care for your pet’s health!
Mr Fresh cat food has worked hard on the formula, and even made the cat food into particles of various shapes according to the needs of each furry child, trying to make it suitable for each cat. Mr Fresh will design different nutritional programs according to different varieties, different stages, and different body types.
Mr Fresh猫粮采用优质新鲜鸡、鸭、鱼为原料。动物性原料占86.3%,蛋白质大于42%。蛋白质来源基本都是动物蛋白,可以满足猫咪的营养需求。这款猫粮采用鲜肉酶解工艺,胃蛋白消化率高达95.9%,接近纯肉的消化率,让猫咪更容易吸收营养。还添加了珍贵的乳铁蛋白,对促进细胞生长和调节免疫系统有重要作用。