Derrick Lin


Designed by Bahus in-house
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Location: Ukraine
Packaging Material: Carton

Combination of Drip Off printing, metalized board and relief stamping perfectly convey qualities of a metallic label. At the same time cost of the carton became less.

What’s unique?
Why are these cartons exclusive? First of all, it is the state-of-the art printing technique – Drip Off printing over metalized board. Secondly, we implemented requirements of the customer 100%. The customer wanted to replace a metallic label, fastened to the carton, with a printed one. Combination of Drip Off printing, metalized board and relief stamping perfectly convey qualities of a metallic label. At the same time cost of the carton became less. It takes less time now to produce it. What is the most important, sales of the cognac doubled!

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Derrick Lin
