Design: NEOM
Location: Italy
Project Type: Produced
Client: Migliora
Product Launch Location: Global
Packaging Contents: Milk powder
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Aluminium
Printing Process: Flexography

Background: Mamomilk is the leading brand of Migliora Performing Food, a company specialising in the marketing and production of raw food materials selected among the best European producers. The aim is to help companies improve their production performance with high-quality products. Mamomilk represents a wide selection of milk powder and derivatives, the result of intense, attentive and elaborate selection over 20 years of activity.

Objective: To restore authoritativeness, modernity and personality to a product with a somewhat dated image, but in itself very topical, expressing its two souls: naturalness and tradition together with technology and innovation.

The project: The project involved a decisive restyling but in continuity with the past. We slightly modify the logotype io order to make it cleaner. The cow has been summarize in the drop of milk which symbolically also became the udder it came from. All this was then integrated into the classical shape of the glass bottle with the idea of communicating the original naturalness of the product. To emphasize the technological aspect we printed the light blu directly on the aluminum paper.

What’s Unique?
The mix between scientific approach, food, naturality with a functional communication purpose.