Designed by Mutter GmbH, Germany.

‘MILK-TUMBLER‘ stands for intelligent eco-design

This design-concept takes nature as an example and transforms the priciple of reusing materials and ressources into the FMGC industry

“Milk-Tumbler” is a design-concept for an innovative Milk-packaging. During the development process the two Hamburg based companies Mutter GmbH and BFGF Studios were following the Cradle to Cradle® principle by Braungart and McDonough.

Over the last six months, Mutter GmbH maximized all efforts to develop a packaging solution that meets the needs of a sustainable product-lifecycle. The objective target was “a packaging that fulfills all requirements of being a transformable consumer-product”.

Now we’re happy to present the outcome of this intensive process: And we call it ‘Milk-Tumbler’.

This new bottle materializes an ecological way of consuming milk, it has a cute appearance and it changes the common understanding of what ‘green’ products and materials are able to achieve.

It enables consumers to enjoy milk as a natural good and gives also small and medium size producers the ability to enter the regional market. Therefore the concept additionally contains a distribution system and combines short transport distances and a tight network of supply stations. The bottle itself allows a convenient carrying and highlights the natural quality of milk. Its recognizable shape shows high uniqueness and communicates the way of how the ‘Tumbler’ should be used. The tumbling moves of the bottle remind the consumer that ‘all-natural milk’ has to be shaken before it’s ready to drink.
The one-liter container as well as its cap are made of antimonfree 100% recycled PET (=rPET). Only if it’s broken, the bottle has to leave the endless circle of being used, returned and refilled with fresh and locally produced milk.

Because damaged bottles are smelted, they can supply the need of new raw-material. In this way every ‘Milk-Tumbler’ is part of a technical cycle and becomes immortal. This “closed loop” model is easy to understand from an ecological as well as from the economical standpoint. Higher expenditures for transporting empty Tumbler bottels back to the filling station are compensated by the lower operating expenses of reusable beverage packagings.

The ‘Milk-Tumbler’ is only a concept so far, nevertheless it gives a perfect example of how well-designed products can generate a balanced symbiosis of ecological and economical interests.

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